Samantha Martin Photographer » Virginia, DC, Wedding Photographer

      Category Archives: Personal

      GUYS!   I am so so excited to finally share a glimpse into my new branding!! Also, im having a website built and it will include a promo video that is perfectly ME! I hope those things can be shared in the next week or so, fingers crossed! We have been working on these elements for […]

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      Oh Abigail…you are 7 months old!! Where did the time go? I feel like just yesterday I held you in my arms for the first time ever. You are such a blessing in our lives!! I still am in awe of your amazing funky personality and that God gave us you to raise. 🙂 You […]

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      In honor of Mother’s Day AND Brain Tumor Awareness Month, I wanted to write a post about my very own mom, and give you guys a chance to get to know her! A lot of people do not know what my mother has overcome, so today I’m here to tell her story! My mother and […]

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      Ive already made this announcement on facebook but, we just finished filming Samantha Martin – Photographers’ promo video!! YEAH! I am so excited for you guys to get a peek inside my life, my family, my babies, my hubby, and my business! My family are definitely my #1 fans, so I loved that I could […]

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      6 months…wow!! I cannot believe it! It feels like just yesterday she was a little fat newborn baby!! She is so big and happy, I just love her juicy thighs!! she LOVES her brother more than anyone in this world! She also loves gnawing on raw veggies and stealing food from her brother!  Here are […]

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